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Water is life - Made Blue

Together with Made Blue, i-team Global is making a difference!

The planet is a beautiful place. For living, breathing and enjoying their lives, people need water. A human needs 20 litres of water a day to survive. There are over 7 billion people on the planet, of which 2,7 billion people suffer from a shortage of drinking water. i-team Global wants to help! That's why we partnered up with Made Blue.

Together we have donated 1.710.057.952* litres of clean drinking water









MADEBLUE | i-team replaces every drop of water that is used in i-mop cleaning operations

Save every drop

We replace every drop of water that is used in i-mop cleaning operations. For example, if an i-mop uses 18L of water per day x 250 days of cleaning, we support the construction of new wells to produce over 4,500 litres of water to replace this consumption.

Made Blue and i-team global partnership

The gift of clean water

By now Made Blue has realized over 10 billion litres of clean water in developing countries, enough to serve over 137.000 people every year, for the next 10 years.

I mop family | scrubber machines by i team global

A global change

By operating i-mops, our partners, clients and users drastically lower the global water footprint whilst contributing positively to the availability of water in the world. This is because most areas in the world are still being cleaned by mop and bucket. This old fashioned method costs 40 liters of water every day versus 18 litres using the i-mop. But it doesn't stop there. We start donating water from the day an i-mop leaves the warehouse, so the donation is a maximum calculation. Also we calculate that the user fills the i-mop tank 4 to 5 times per day. This means a cleaning area of approx. 3000m2. The i-mop’s daily use of 18 litres is being equally compensated by 18 litres of drinking water. We call this 1 litre for 1 litre. In this way the i-mop is a mobile waterwell for people in need.

water project | i team global

Charity projects

The total amount of water used by our products and services will be made available elsewhere. Water projects are implemented by international charity organisations such as Red Cross and Amref Flying Doctors. 

i Bottle | i-team global


This is the i-bottle Made Blue: a reusable bottle made of indestructible Tritan: rock hard, crystal clear and unbreakable. The bottle is BPA-free, made in the Netherlands, recyclable and dishwasher safe.

Each bottle provides 500 liters of clean drinking water in Made Blue water projects! Each bottle gives a child in a developing country access to clean drinking water and hygiene at school for up to 6 months. This saves at least 3.5kg of CO2 emissions and over 4kg of plastic waste.

Interested? Contact your local i-team partner.

Made blue family | i-team global

Made Blue family

Being a part of i-team, means being a part of the Made Blue family. We all proudly share the Made Blue story. While it may seem small, the ripple effect may be extraordinary.


Fatema, Ethiopia

“Right up to the day I gave birth I walked a day to get water.” Now it only takes me half an hour." 

Join us for a better tomorrow

We’re on this planet together. Join us in our quest to save water and life itself. 

Learn more about Made Blue on their official website