i-link manages all cleaning assets by i-team global

Manage your assets with i-link

With i-link, you can manage all your assets online, track performance, schedule maintenance, and ensure effective cleaning that prioritizes health and safety.

It's not just about cleaning

Manage your assets

While cleaning has never been more important, we believe effective cleaning is more than just the removal of soil. It means ensuring the health and safety of people, while making the job easier, simpler, more efficient, and even fun. It means consistent results, while protecting the world.

Imagine having an online overview of all your assets. You could instantly see how machines are used, how they perform and where they’re located. Moreover, imagine knowing exactly which tools, machines, and compliances you own and setting automatic alerts for maintenance and inspections.

With i-link®, you can. You can see all your assets details and even create tickets with the mobile app, manage them online, and share with suppliers.

i-link map
In the cloud

It's about knowledge

i-link® is the new cloud-based platform for your tools, machines and compliances. New i-team products will have a small module located inside them, already integrated with the i-link cloud. This module will send usage information, battery levels, and even the location of the machines to to the platform every day.


All your data is safely secured and backed up on a global cloud service. Privacy is protected as it is not tracking the person using it.

I-link helpful tool for cleaning assets management
Get the most out of your machines

A helpful tool

With i-link® you get valuable insights in the usage of all your cleaning equipment. This way you can monitor if, how, when and where machines are being used. We’re constantly updating and continuously improving i-link, but currently it gives you access to the following information about your machines:

  • Location

  • Runtime

  • Battery voltage

  • Usage history

  • Service and maintenance journal

  • Machines that are not being used

  • Documents

  • Indoor mapping

i-link in your mobile
Problem solved

Easy does it

When there’s an issue with one of your tools, machines or compliances, anyone can submit a service ticket by mobile phone. The i-team assets have a QR code which you can scan, after which you’ll be redirected to a questionnaire. The person handling the tickets on i-link® will receive the ticket and can also assign the ticket to someone else if needed.

I-link notifications in the tablet

Set your own rules

Never miss required maintenance or important updates! With i-link you can set your own rules and alerts according to your service plan. This way you can utilize the assembled data for more efficiency in your cleaning routine.

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Seeing is believing: ask for a free demo on premise by one of our professional partners!